We understand that designing your home can be a complex and expensive process. We're here to unlock design potential, construction cost, approval process and timelines before you start your next project. A portal to the professionals, that's fast, affordable and commitment-free.
Breaking the service of Architecture into easy-to-action steps, Test Before You Invest is delivered in a matter of days, at an affordable price. It's a great way to manage your expectations early, before diving into this exciting but complex process.
Jacqui, Home Owner, Inner West
so you understand your property's key parameters, before investing all your hard earned money in a detailed architectural service.
by receiving advice within a matter of days you're not waiting for critical information that helps determine your next move. We make key advice accessible and affordable.
empowering you to know whether to invest, by offering a property assessment by experienced architects who can support you on your journey.
Not only does this assessment provide you with the key parameters of your site, but it is also a guideline, providing you with general information about project timelines, approval processes and the value of your service provider.
We are here to help you through the property maze. We help make this process as smooth as possible by providing you with helpful information upfront.